Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"Gentlemen, this is a footbal!"

I’ve been in Executive recruiting and search for 25 years. I’ve seen job markets where a good candidate couldn’t be bought (although they were). I’ve seen job markets with a glut of candidates like the one we have today. While our business has survived several recessions and downturns along with the devastating effects of the dot.com bust in 2002, I’ve never seen a market like the one we are currently experiencing. Not only is the reality of an economic climate such as we have never seen in our lifetimes taking its toll on employment and job stability, but there is a fear that is gripping some of the most seasoned and ardent professionals. People who have skillfully navigated their careers and have marketed themselves into lucrative positions are now asking “How do I go about a search in this market” and “Is my resume effective”? But those questions aren’t as far-fetched coming from professionals as you might think. These highly competent people instinctively know that the things that worked for them in the past can’t stand on their own in this market. New strategies are necessary and, as is often the case, strategies need to be retooled at the base level. In asking these questions, these people are showing us a glimpse of why they climbed the corporate ladder and excelled beyond their peers. They make no assumptions and think out of the box. They recognize that no matter how far you climb, the basics remain bedrock and need to be revisited from time to time. Legendary Packers coach Vince Lombard would gather his players at the beginning of pre-season and start each season’s campaign with a simple understanding: the oblong piece of leather in his hand was a football. (http://tinyurl.com/c4o4gy). Some of the things they would then do with that football would change, while many would remain. But Lombardi was smart enough to teach his team that the basics cannot be ignored. All strategy – even at the base level – begins here.

Resumes, cover letters and broadcast letters are like footballs. They are necessary but what we do with them will change as our times change. I’ll be taking a look at some strategies that can help you at various stages in your search. What I share in the upcoming posts will come from years of experience in preparing and coaching professionals in their careers and job searches along with feedback I’ve received from hiring managers and candidates who seem to have a natural knack for having a usually high probability of success when it comes to getting job offers. I’ll break the information into bite sized pieces to allow for reflection and implementation.
My hope is that – even if what I share isn’t revolutionary – it will inspire thought and maybe even encourage some of you as you engage in a very difficult and competitive job landscape.

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